Our culture is designed for spectacular people to do work that changes lives.

Working at Halter is more than just a job. We believe that it will be the most rewarding work of your life and it will also be the most challenging. You'll solve hard problems that impact our mission and change the lives of our farmers. Work this meaningful and difficult will change your life, too.

Our Values


Max velocity.

As a company, we move as quickly as possible. This allows us to learn quicker, discover risks earlier and ultimately outpace our competition. Aligned through clear direction and context we act rapidly but precisely. Although not comfortable, we recognise velocity as the key to Halter’s continued success.

Bold informed bets.

From the outset Halter has set audacious goals. Always questioning the status quo, we recognise innovation as a vital ingredient for continued success. We take calculated risks; proactively placing bets, we work smartly to tip the odds in our favour. We know that not every bet will provide a return but we also know that the cost of not placing bets is much higher.

Farmers first, animals always.

We connect deeply with our farmers and build solutions around their animals that are transformational. We start with the farmer experience and work backwards, recognising the fine balance of progress and care. We create authentic, helpful and enduring relationships with each of our customers built on trust and a shared love of animals.


Be a founder.

Working at Halter is more than just a job. We hire people that act like great founders, displaying the highest level of care and ownership across everything we do. Just like a founder, we prioritise the company above ourselves. We are all focused on movement towards the vision but care deeply about the details and above all else own our outcomes.

It’s a privilege.

Our work matters. We are reshaping an entire industry and ultimately impacting millions of lives. With such high stakes, the path is likely to test us. But through the journey, we retain perspective and passion, irrespective of the successes or difficulties we face along the way. We never forget just how fortunate we are to pursue such important and meaningful work.


High performance defines our culture.

We exist to make change in the world. Nothing about that is easy, and in truth, we 

love that it's hard. We aspire to build the highest-performing team. In fact, we expect 

it. We're on a mission that will change lives, so we can't afford anything less.

We have a deep care for results and a deep care for people.

01. High Performers care about results.

High performers at Halter deliver results. They are goal-oriented, proactive owners and they take responsibility for the end outcome. Our team noted that high performers ‘step up’ and do what is required to achieve the desired result.

02. Trust, feedback and psychological safety underpin performance.

A considerable portion of our team notes that high performance can only be achieved in an environment of trust, psychological safety and a culture that promotes frequent feedback. People at Halter believe that performance requires team members to feel safe to question, challenge and share opinions without fear.

03. Self-management fuels sustained performance.

High performers know what they need to sustainably perform. To outperform consistently, our team believe self-management and awareness of your own individual needs and priorities is critical. Performing exceptionally well here involves taking care of yourself and each other.

04. High performers out-work.

Our team believe high performance requires a strong work ethic. Our team acknowledges that performing at an exceptional level is hard work. Our team have a great work ethic and they know when to apply the brakes.

05. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

We’re not a team of one. A high-performer at Halter enriches their team and lifts the collective performance of Halter. This was a non-negotiable for us. The importance of shared goals, alignment, care, respect and feedback is something that our whole team deeply value.

06. You take a few punches and then you get better.

To our team, high performance at Halter requires resilience and adaptability. Naturally, there are no shortage of challenges at Halter and our team know how crucial resilience and adaptability is in being successful here, along with a strong desire to grow and be better.

07. We love do’ers.

We have a deep respect for people that just get shit done. Simple as that really. Ultimate ownership and getting the job done is something that we consider high performance. 

“We need to understand the why. We need teams to know we’re working together.”

Kirsty Browne, Product Manager

“High performance requires Psychological safety and trust. None of the rest can be achieved if you don’t have this.”

Larissa Naidoo, People & Performance Partner

Our Inclusion Principles

Our standard is that every employee feels a deep sense of belonging. This is a shared responsibility we each carry. To achieve this, our expectation of each Halter team member is that:

You are intentional and engage in fostering an inclusive workplace

You embrace and celebrate differences in team members

You recognise that every one of us has blind spots and biases

 Halter is game changing.

At Halter we’re a world-class team developing a world-class solution. Our diverse team has experience in some of the world’s most innovative organisations such as Apple, Nasa, and the Formula 1 racing team McLaren. We’re committed to positive change in our industry, and are dedicated to improving the lives of farmers and animals across New Zealand and beyond.